Charder MA601 Advanced Body Composition Analyser

  • Most sophisticated body composition analyser in our range
  • Column mounted for convenient and permenant use
  • Ideal for hospitals, pharmacies, gyms and sports clubs
  • Monitor key fitness data - see below for all measurements
  • Sold as standard with a printer
  • Improvement recommendations given

Total Price
£3,928.00 Exc. VAT (£4,713.60 inc. VAT)
In Stock: Delivery within 2 working days.





8 year warranty

450mm x 425mm

Rechargeable battery pack

Battery Life:
Up to 50 hours of continuous use

Weight of Scale:

Additional Features

  • Measures Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Total Body Water (TBW), Fat Free Mass (FFM), Fat Mass (FM), Body Fat %, Muscle Mass (MM), Protein Mass (PM), Extracellular Water (ECW), Intracellular Water (ICW), Skeletal Muscle (SM), Visceral Fat Level, Body Balance Evaluation, Obesity Analysis, Body Type Analysis, Muscle Quality, Weight, and BMI
  • All readings provided on screen or can be printed (printer provided)
  • Internal for storing 50,000 readings


User Manuals Medical Scales

Product Brochures Medical Scales

General Information Certificates and General Information

What is Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis?

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis is a technique used to estimate body composition. A weak electric current is passed through the body, and the speed at which the current flows through the body determines the amount of fat, water and muscle content.

Advanced body composition analysers like the MA601 use BIA to provide a full breakdown of body composition. Traditional BIA body composition scales will use one frequency; the MA601 uses three.

Low frequencies can have difficulty overcoming and passing through cell membranes, so are well suited for measuring extracellular water. High frequencies can pass through cell membrane walls, so they can provide intracellular readings.

How does the MA601 work?

The touchscreen operation means the MA601 is user-friendly and allows you to see your body composition results in seconds.

With shoes and socks removed, simply step onto the scale and enter basic information, such as age, height and name/ID, and, when prompted, lift up the hand electrodes. Once the MA601 has completed your body measurement, basic results will be displayed on the screen. You can then press Print to see a comprehensive print-out of your results.

Why does the MA601 not have an athlete setting?

Traditionally, BIA devices have been less accurate for ‘abnormal’ populations such as athletes. A commonly used fix has been to offer a separate ‘athlete mode’, using specialised algorithms. Unfortunately, because there is no clear consensus on how to define ‘athlete’, oftentimes users wouldn’t know which mode to select, resulting in inaccurate results when used by ‘non-athletes’.

What’s more, sprinters and weightlifters are both athletes - yet their body types are very different, so an athlete mode that’s based on “endurance athletes” might be less accurate for “strength athletes, and vice versa.

What’s the difference between the MA601 and other Marsden body composition scales?

This scale provides even more readings than our Marsden MBF-6000/Marsden MBF-6010, including: Intracellular Water (ICW), Extracellular Water (ECW), Total Body Water (TBW), Soft Lean Mass (SLM), Fat-Free Mass (FFM), Body Fat Mass (BFM), Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM), Percentage Body Fat (PBF), Body Mass Index (BMI), Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Total Energy Expenditure (TEE), Phase Angle, Fat-free Mass Index (FFMI), Skeletal Muscle Index (SMI) and Impedance.

Another benefit is that the scale also gives recommended improvements for each client, based on their results.

Where can I find out more?

Contact us to find out more information about Marsden baby scales

Sales & Advice:

+44 (0)1709 364296

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