Industrial Weighing Scale Terms Glossary (Free Download)

We recently published a medical weighing terms glossary, that was free to download. It was so successful - we’ve done the same for industrial weighing scales!
Industrial weighing scales are used far and wide, for a huge number of uses. In fact, at some point in their lives, almost any commodity is weighed, be it at the point of manufacturing, at the point of selling or when it is being transported to a destination.
However, we know that a lot of the language we use may go over many people’s heads. Therefore, the free guide, which you can download by scrolling to the bottom of this blog post and clicking on the link, covers just about any industrial weighing term you’re likely to come across - from the obvious (‘counting scales,’ ‘Tare’) to the more obscure (‘Calibration Certificate,’ ‘IP rating.’).
You can use this document as a guide when you’re buying new weighing scales for your business, and hopefully it will help you understand the weighing devices you use a little more.
So, next time you go to buy retail scales, you’ll know why they are always Trade Approved, and when you’re next using your counting scales you’ll understand what the ‘Tare’ button is for.
There’s also an explanation of some of the features of our scales were most proud of at Marsden - for example, IP rating. We’re very pleased that we offer a complete range of IP-rated weighing scales, including a number of IP68 scales - waterproof weighing scales, if you like.
If there are any terms listed in the glossary that are still confusing for you, or if you come across any weighing terms that aren’t listed in this document, please let us know! We’re always here to help - no matter what the question or the problem is!
Click here to download the Industrial Weighing Terms Glossary.